Wednesday 31 October 2018

100WC #3

“MUUUUUUMMM!!!! I want to go trick or treating NOW!!!!!! All my friends are going why can’t I !” moaned a spoilt little brat named Victoria.  
“Because I said so!” her mother groaned
“THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!” screamed Victoria
“Well you’re not going anyway, I’ve already paid for your 5 dance lessons, horse riding, piano lessons and the cruise around the world, we are having a quiet night tonight live with it” as her mother walked off. Victoria slipped out the front door dressed as a vampire and disappeared into the crowd. Her mother walked up stairs to give Victoria kiss and found her bed empty she walked outside and found her crying on the pavement.
“What's wrong sweetie” she asked gently
“Everyone had already finished trick or treating so i was alone but i didn’t want to come inside”
“it s ok hon”

Tuesday 12 June 2018

100 Word challenge WK #7

There was a burning smell. Something smokey drifted across the playground. The mysterious smell came from upstairs. It was a normal school day no one suspected anything. 8MW was just baking some biscuits in the food tech room. Cali turned her back as the class went down stairs. She decided she was tired of waiting so she cranked up the heat to 300 degrees. But a piece of the paper was flapping near the open flame. It was alight!! the fire spread quickly around the tech room. Cali freaked and pulled the fire alarm and the smoke detectors went off. The fire brigade was called, but the building couldn't be saved. Cali sat there gobsmacked. She couldn’t believe what she had done.

Sunday 27 May 2018

100 word Challenge wk #5

It was a cold frosty morning. The grass underfoot went crunch and the leaves whistled around me. No children came near. No one took notice of me I just hung still, silent, watching the world pass by me. I was not scary nor was I friendly. On the outside I’m hard and and big but on the inside I am just mush. I am the example of beauty isn’t just skin deep. Snowballs pass me. Children run under me as I observe the world. Just waiting for my time to come. Behind me I hear a scratching sound of a cat climbing up my tree. She grabs me in her mouth and carries me away to be her toy never to see the light again

Sunday 6 May 2018

100 Word Challenge Wk 2

It was a normal Sunday morning. We were back home from our holiday in the caribbean. I went to check the post. There was a package. But this is Sunday?. The package was moving and shaking a bit. Slowly I reached down and touched it tenderly. My hand jolted back in surprise. It was warm and very small. But how did it get here? Very carefully I reached down and opened the package inside was a tiny pug sent that was abandoned from its family. I grasped it in my shaking hands and pulled it close to me. The End

Thursday 3 May 2018

100 Word Challenge Wk 1

I was 5. I was grumpy. I was bored. I had a temper tantrum. I wanted another doll. I was rich and spoilt. I was a brat...

My parents believed it was wrong for me to have another doll after they saw how conceited I was. I screamed and screamed. I went on strike. I didn’t eat breakfast. I didn’t eat dinner. I didn’t talk to them and locked myself up in my room. My final act was destroying everything I saw. I grabbed my wooden doll and snapped it in half and threw it out the window. Never to be seen again.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

100 word challenge wk 8

I gripped the bar, my knuckles as white as a sheet. Slowly I lowered myself nearer. I couldn’t I just couldn’t. I felt my tears dripping down my face as I looked down towards the earth. I was in shock. I couldn’t bring myself to jump. Soon enough a crowd started gathering acting if I was entertainment. I heard muttering around me
“What happened?”
“How did she get up there?”
“What is she going to do?”
I looked down but know they were cheering me on,I worked up enough confidence and slowly but surely I eased myself down through the gap of the monkey bars and to safety.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

100 Word Challenge Wk 6

If I was in charge…

The day came, I got the letter in the post announcing that I had been chosen; chosen to be the leader of the school for the day. “New headmistress for the day” the daily notices rang.I was thinking very hard to come up with my first rule than I realised... First Rule NO SCHOOL WORK FOR TODAY! Second rule NO TEACHERS FOR THE DAY!
“Brooke, Brooke wake up” I hear snapping out of my daydream as the person next to me tapped my shoulder I look around thinking and smiled to myself I should never ever be incharge again!

Thursday 22 February 2018

My 100 Word Challenge

The leaves of the trees fluttered in the wind as this strange group of creatures advanced near. The silence was moving as they went about are talking and chatting as if it was an everyday life. Life carried on as normal. “Oi how about here!!” One of them yelled, shattering the silence. Slowly but suddenly they started placing yoga mats on the ground. Then the first one murmed “left roundhouse kick pronto” as quick as lightning they all lifted up one leg and threw a kick in perfect synchronization. The oldest and slowest one of the pack (if that's what you would call it) advanced cautiously to the front looking around the place. He sniffed the air, blew on a piece of grass and simply said “Side crane crow now”. Suddenly they heard the bush rustled. Shish Shuwish. They hurriedly packed everything up. Hustled into formation and as soon as they appeared they were gone.